Saturday, May 15, 2021

Be tenderhearted

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32

I especially like the Bible translation quoted here due to the word "tenderhearted". Elsewhere, the words used are compassionate and gentle.  For me, "tenderhearted" evokes the feelings of gentleness and tenderness that are born out of love - a feeling that translates into attitudes and actions towards a person, much like the feelings of two people in love.

Kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness are feelings and attitudes that are usually absent when there are friction, ill-feelings, anger and unforgiveness in the heart.  That's stating the obvious, isn't it?

So how do we put into practice kindness, tenderheartedness and forgiveness towards one another? Obviously, these are attitudes that do not come naturally to most of us, especially when we think we have been wronged.

Now that brings us to the second part of the verse - as God in Christ forgave you.  The motivation for us is always Jesus; Jesus who has set an example for us.  We were dead in our sins but Jesus loved us anyway, and he forgave us our sins and gave us new life in Him.  Likewise, as obedient children of God, we ought to forgive one another and be kind, and tenderhearted.  These are not something we wait to practice when we have calmed down from our anger or indignation or self-righteousness.  These are actions we choose to act out on because Jesus has shown us that that is what we ought to do.

Is there someone we can do some acts of kindness to today? Let's do it.  Has someone offended or wronged you recently and you are still thinking about it?  Let's forgive that person today.  Do you owe an apology to someone for some unkind deed or word that you have done or said?  Let's apologize to that someone today. Do our parents, siblings, spouse, children or colleagues need to hear some encouraging and uplifting words from us today?  Let's do that.

Father God, we confess it is never easy to forgive others especially when we feel we have been wronged, nor is it easy to be kind and tenderhearted to those we feel are not deserving of those acts.  But you Lord, have forgiven us even when we do not deserve to be forgiven.  Deal with us, O Lord, so we might repent of our self-righteousness, our unkindness and our unforgiveness.  Have mercy on us, and help us to examine our hearts daily so that our attitudes toward others will become more in line with what you desire of us.  In Jesus' most loving and merciful name, we pray.  Amen.

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